Cromwell Consulting Ltd.
Cromwell Consulting Ltd.




Thank you for a great day! Your positivity went a long way to enthusing our staff. We both felt that staff were far more prepared for the 'new curriculum journey' by the end of the INSET. 


Helped us to begin the journey; consider options. Very useful examples of practice given. It was a ‘real’ presentation which Joanna made relevant to our school.


Thank you also for the many resources you left with us.

(Headteachers, St Catherine’s Hoddesdon, Herts.)



I found the presentation informative and fun. It’s always good to find new options and broaden your teaching spectrum by using new material and techniques. Thank you Dr Goodman.

(Teacher, St George’s School, Cologne, Germany)



Very helpful and engaging. Lots of time to discuss well thought out activities to help implement what has been taught. Excellent and helpful.

(Teacher, St Catherine’s Hoddesdon, Herts.)



The course was well researched with lots of interesting and useful information. Very knowledgeable on the subject and education as a whole.

(Teacher-Co-ordinator, St Catherine’s Hoddesdon, Herts.)



Dr Goodman is passionate about education and as an expert on AfL [Assessment for learning] is keen to share her knowledge of the subject with others.

(The Chartered Institute of Educational Assessors)



We learnt just enough to put some real gems of advice into practice. I am sure these will be instrumental in shaping the future at our school. Thank you.

(Headteacher, Halifax)



Thank you so much for all your help. It has been enormously useful to hear your thoughts; we're hugely glad that we called upon your services.                                                                                       (Deputy Headteacher, independent school, Berkshire)


…it was really nice to meet you yesterday and work with you.  Everyone has reported back so favourably on their sessions with you and it really has been a beneficial experience for us all and that is an enormous credit to you, so thank you.   (Bursar, independent school, Derbyshire)


Thank you very much for your help, support and guidance. Several of those present commented today that your input moved us a long way – well done!                                                                           (Deputy Headteacher, independent school, London)


It was really good to meet with you and I certainly benefitted from your experience and insights during a hugely productive day. (Headmaster, independent school, Hampshire)


Highly effective and most useful for our English department and the Senior Leadership Team.  Careful preparation and an exceptional ability to add value through the identification of areas for development within a high performing team. Outstanding interpersonal skills.  I am pleased to recommend Joanna Goodman to others.   (Headmaster, leading grammar school, Hertfordshire)



Thank you so much for all of this feedback on the day and the notes given.  We all found it incredibly helpful and detailed, so it did everything we hoped for and more.  (Headmaster, independent boarding school, Surrey)    



Exceprional knowledge and experience, and a manner that helped key individuals relax and learn rather than feel threatened or defensive. (College of Further Education)



Thanks so much for this, we are obviously delighted!  Please pass on my thanks to Joanna who was fantastic and made the whole experince both valuable and enjoyable.  (Vice Principal, MAT in Herts.)  



Joanna always approaches her work in a professional, rigorous and supportive way.  She calls upon her extensive knowledge to meet the task requirements with exceptional perception and empathy.  (Director of an international education consultancy)                                                                          

